Skin Care

Skin Care

7 ways to protect your skin during heat or cold weather.

The skin is the largest organ of your body, which constitutes a protective barrier between the ambient environment and your body’s internal organs. Also, the skin plays a crucial role in thermoregulation- the process of adjusting the vital temperature of your body’s internal environment within certain boundaries relative to the hotness or coldness of the external environment.

The need for thermoregulation?

The temperature is an essential variable with proactive relevance in the optimal functioning of your body cells. However, brain damage is one of the prominently notorious consequences, which can arise from extreme internal temperature (hypothermia and hyperthermia). Hence the need for you to seek knowledge on how to maintain a body temperature homeostasis.

The extreme external temperature and its effects on the body?

Hypothermia is a dangerous condition where the body temperature goes way below the average value (370C). This is directly related to a shallow temperature of the external environment. Here, your body readily loses heat faster than it produces, thus leading to the reduced temperature of your body.

On the other hand, hyperthermia is a condition that results from an extremely high body temperature of about 420C as against the ideal value of 370C. This occurs when you subject your body to prolonged exposure to environmental hotness. In this case, your body absorbs heat rapidly and faster than it releases. This leads to the accumulation of heat energy in your body and, thus, increased body temperature.

Your body’s skin exhibits a profoundly defensive mechanism daily and hence, deserves skincare routines and pampering, especially during unfavourable and extreme climatic changes. In other words, skin exfoliation, cleansing & toning, hydration, and moisturization are important routines to maintain your skin’s resilience.

What are the physiological responses from the skin during heat or cold weather?

Physiological responses from the skin are the automatic reactions within the skin tissues for a counter effect on the temperature changes in your ambient environment.

During a hot or cold climatic change, your body will take steps to adjust its internal temperature to avoid a threat to your body’s wellness.
Succinctly, your skin alters the body temperature through vasoconstriction, the contraction of blood vessels, which triggers shivering during cold weather to ensure warmness of your body.

In contrast, when there is a heatwave or hot weather, blood vessels underneath your skin dilate (vasodilation), which increases blood flow to the capillaries and thus, brings about profuse sweating that cools off your body as the sweat evaporates from your skin.

It is a pertinent concept, especially at Grayclay, to research, concretize and disseminate awareness tips on protecting your skin during heat or cold climatic conditions.

Below are 7 meticulous ways to protect your skin during heat or cold climatic conditions.

During the cold sapping weather, your skin goes through a lot, ranging from dry air to exhausting cold temperatures. Concurrently, skin exposure to high heat is wearying and risky, making the skin prone to skin cancer.

Thus, it is imperative to subject your skin to adequate routine care like;

1. Exfoliation.

This involves regular removal of accumulated dead cells from the skin, which could prevent your moisturizer from penetrating deeply into the skin layers. Ensure to consult a skincare specialist to ascertain which exfoliating product is best for your skin type and the specific climatic change.

2. Moisturizing.

There is a need to apply moisturizer on your skin, especially during cold weather. Enriched balms and shea butter can reliably offer the moisturizing need. It helps in combating skin dryness and protection from skin chapping.

3. Avoid prolonged hot showers.

A hot bath or shower is emphatically frowned upon during hot weather. As soothing and luxurious as a hot shower seems during cold weather, it is harmful to your skin. It dehydrates your skin and thus makes it more prone to damage.

4. Eat well and get hydrated.

Resist the indulgence in junk and unhealthy foods during extreme weather conditions because what you eat has a significant impact on the condition of your skin.

5. Pamper yourself with skin treatment.

Harsh weather conditions expose your skin to a lot of stress, making it cracked and brittle. There is an absolute need for an adequate skincare treatment, especially your face, which is the most exposed part of your body.

6. Cautious exercise.

In a regular exercise routine, ensure to cover up well during any harsh climatic conditions against wind and ultraviolet rays from the sun.

7. Choose a non-soap cleanser.

Select a labelled non-soap cleanser, as it has milder ingredients. This type of cleanser will not irritate the skin and is the best for any extreme weather condition.


Healthy skin reflects the uncompromised care you enrich your body with. However, during the extreme external temperature, you need to be more intentional about your skincare by eating well-nourished meals, fruits, and vegetables, as well as a well-regulated exercise routine together with skin exfoliations.